Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Easter Weekend

I am still riding the high of the past weekend...EASTER weekend!  I just LOVE Easter weekend.  It marks the beginning of spring.  The world is coming to life with new life.  We celebrate Jesus being born again and saving us from sin.  We see family and friends.  It's a joy to watch our children hunt Easter eggs.  It's just a magical time.

This year delivered BIG time!!!

Friday night I headed to Finchville Baptist Church for Good Friday service.  I grew up in that church.  My parents were married there.  I was dedicated there. I was baptized there in the 5th grade. I attended vacation bible school there for over 5 years.  I was active in youth group and drama.  Sang solos on Sunday mornings. Had youth lock ins there.  Taught Sunday school there.  That church was my home.  It was SO great to be back.  I was overrun with wonderful memories from my childhood. I looked over and could visualize where my family used to sit.  So many of our family members attended there that we took up several rows of pews!  I could just see my MeMe sitting there among us.  I remembered so much.  It was really great to be back there and to share that with my wonderful hubby and my dear friend Bev.  Service was wonderful and it was great to be there to praise HIM and remember what he has done for us.
After church Bev came to our house as did Aaron's girlfriend Wendy.  After getting the kiddos to be, the 5 of us watched THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.  Bev and Wendy had never seen it and were both very moved, just as I am every year.

Saturday Morning I woke up and make breakfast for my household.  A big ol' country breakfast is always a great thing!    I have to give a HUGE shout out to Wendy...that girl is a cleaning machine!  She was a GODSEND after the mess I made cooking so much food for breakfast!  Afterall, I had 10 mouths to feed!  I LOVED it though.  I totally understand why MeMe loved cooking for our huge family so much.  It is so easy to do when you love your family so much!!!

Mid afternoon all 10 of us headed to mom and dad's house for an early Easter cookout and egg hunt.  It was SUPER fun.  I always loving hanging out in mom and dad's back yard!  And as usual, the kids had a GREAT time playing at NaNa and Paw-Paw's house.  It's so magical for them and I LOVE that!!! It will be sad when those days are over.

Needless to say, our kids slept VERY well Saturday night!  LOL

Sunday was EASTER SUNDAY!  We dressed in our Sunday best and headed to a wonderful service at church.  My brother and his girlfriend Wendy joined us and it was so great to all be at worship together!

After church we all headed to my Aunt Marilyn's house for a family gathering.  Aunts, Uncles, cousins, new babies and plenty of food and fellowship!  It was everything a great Easter family gathering should be! 
I am still in shock that my "baby cousins" now have babies or else look like they are super grown up...MAN DO I FEEL OLD!  I am so proud of all of them though!!!!



  1. Such cute photos! Looks like a great day!

  2. Los 3 Niños Que Sí Se Encueran Para Aver Quitándosela La Ropa Bien Y A Gusto En La Calle Mostrale Tu Pilin Primero Y Tu Pilin Y Después Tu Culo Primero Y Tu Culo.
