Thursday, January 5, 2012


Last night I loaded up my boys, 2 of them anyway, and headed off to church.  Andrew is having some anxiety issues when he isn't with someone he knows so I couldn't get him to come with us. That is something we are working on and I PRAY it improves soon!

I've been getting very active in church recently and I can't tell you how much I love it and how thankful I am to be back "home". My family has gone through so much over the last 6 years and we are just now getting into routines and putting church at the top of the list!  It's a GREAT feeling and I am seeing GOD's blessings in my life each and every day!

So last night I got to visit with 2 very dear friends of mine during dinner. It's always great catching up with your friends.  My new and old friends are such a JOY to me!  I am so fortunate to have them!

Caden and Landon were a little nervous about going to Mission Friends.  I was hoping for the best but expecting the worst.  Imagine my shock when I took them to class and they went right on in and waved good-bye to me as if they had done it forever!  I was so proud!  (And a little sad they left mommy so easily.....catch 22 huh?).  I knew they were all settled and good to go so off I headed to my new class.

This is a group I had just recently learned of and couldn't wait to join.  It's a group of mom's that get together once a month to worship, do crafts and basically spend time together, support one another and get a break from life as mommy.  I was a little apprehensive since I was the new girl (so THAT'S how the boys feel leaving mommy (their comfort zone) and doing something new with new people!) but all the ladies were so welcoming to me that I felt right at home.

We had a very fun time and made a GREAT craft which I will be sharing a little later.  (Having camera issues!) Julie Shepherd was our guest speaker and lead our craft as well. She was WONDERFUL! I am looking forward to becoming more involved with this group and getting to know all the other moms a little better each time.  My only fret is that I wish it were more than once a month!  :-)

An hour and a half later I went down to get the boys from their class.  I peeked in and they were playing and have a grand time.  It made me smile. Once they saw me they overwhelmed me talking about everything they did in class and how much fun they had.  It fills me with JOY that they are LOVING it as much as I am!  I was raised in church and I want that for my boys as well!

I am so excited to see where this new year will take me and my friends and family.  I am so excited to be dedicating this year to the Lord and to see where he leads me and the great changes HIS influence will have on my life!  I can't wait to continue meeting new friends at church.  It's going to be a GREAT year!


"We possess this precious treasure (the divine Light of the Gospel) in (frail, human) vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:7

God works through jars of clay, or what I often call "cracked pots." This means we are flawed, so when people look at us and see amazing things happening, they know it must be God at work because it certainly could not be us. I believe anyone who really knows me does not have any difficulty realizing the work I am doing on earth today certainly must be God at work in and through me. They give Him the glory, not me, because they see my imperfections and know my limitations. God chooses the weak and foolish things on purpose so no mortal can have pretense for glorying in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:27-29).

Imagine a pot with a lamp in it and a lid on it. Even though it may be filled with light, no one can see the light within it. Yet if the pot is cracked, the light will shine through the cracks. In this same way, God works through our imperfections.

Can you love a cracked pot? God can! It is godly to love yourself in a balanced, healthy way. It is ungodly to reject and despise yourself.

Lord, You and I are both well aware of my imperfections. I ask YOU to shine Your light through my life, and know that YOU get every ounce of glory for it. Amen.

(The Confident Woman Devotional - Joyce Meyer)

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome God is becoming at the top of your list!
