Monday, June 25, 2012


Today was HORRIBLE!  One of those days from start to finish that just doesn't go well and NOTHING I mean NOTHING goes right!

That was how my day was..from start to finish!  I could totally and completely relate to Alexander and his TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY!

I did get a break in the VERY BAD to do some VERY GOOD and was able to help this WONDERFULLY AMAZING family get moved into their new home!  They are our new children's minister and his gorgeous family.  They were called to our church (Shelbyville First Baptist) from Mississippi and we are OVERJOYED to welcome them home to Shelbyville, Kentucky! We love them already and look forward to getting to know them and see all the GOOD they will bring to our church!  Welcome Chad, Erin, Rebecca and Rachel!!!

HOWEVER, after helping them move in, the horribleness returned and this time my dear sweet amazing friend was involved in my horribleness.  (Sorry Soul Sista).  And sorry readers if "horribleness" isn't a word but on Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Days you are allowed to make up your own words...says I!  Ya'll have read my blogs about my bestest friend Beverly.  Well....she was with me on this journey. We were just a modern day Thelma and Louise!  Sorta!  LOL

We were heading to the gas station at Walmart but my van decided it would run out of gas at the light at walgreens, in the inside turning lane...when the light was green no less AND while it was 90 degrees and sunny outside.  GO FIGURE right?!  Oh and did I mention it is less than a mile from the light to the gas pumps at Walmart?  And yes I know I passed a Super America, Shell and Swifty gas station but I like Walmart...well unless I am going to Kroger...but away....the fact is we were stranded.
O.K......O.K...I know it could have been worse. However, in my mind after the day I felt like this:
Dramatic I know but you get the picture.  It had been a bad day and this was THE LAST straw.  I was so angry at first...not my fault I ran out of gas...right?  And of course NO ONE answered their phones in my family....IMAGINE THAT!  FOUR people with cell phones and they all rang and rang then went to voicemail...REALLY??!!  Bev finally tired of me and my unanswered phone calls to my various family members (not mentioning any names AARON, JOE, MOM and DAD) so she called 911. It WAS an us at least.  Well us and all the people who somehow did not see my flashing lights and got behind us then couldn't go when the light turned if it was MY fault!  Here are a few faces similar to those we encountered while we sat the the green light...less than a mile from the gas pumps:

Well our friendly neighborhood dispatcher, friendly being an overstatement, tells Bev they will see if they can help.  HELLO!  They work for POLICE officers who are TRAINED to help in any emergency situation....did we mention this was an emergency???  LOL

Well...after the friendly dispatch call I was able to get my daddy on the phone at his home.  Oh what would a girl do without her daddy to come rescue her in his white Ford truck. ;-)

While waiting for my dad to arrive a Sheriff Deputy arrives to assess the situation. Evidently 2 moms of three... in a mini van... look suspious so it took TWO sheriff deputies to sit behind my van at a VERY busy intersection while we were aiting for my father to bring us some gasoline.  Now not only were we stopping traffic in a stalled vehicle but we were doing so while looking like criminals...NOW THAT TAKES TALENT FOLKS!

I am happy to report that after 30 minutes, lots of honking, yelling, stares and phone calls we were back on the road. This was TRULY one for the books for my Soul Sista and I.  Our greatest adventure yet.  Beverly, I sure am glad you got to share in this with me.  It was priceless!  Being able to laugh about this was AWESOME!  I think we nearly cried we laughed so hard once it was all over.  I'll never forget it!

Here is what I would like others to take from our GRAND adventure:

***DRIVING 101.....when you are driving and a car infront of you has on their emergency/hazard blinking lights and ARE NOT MOVING when the light turns GREEN....that USUALLY means that they CAN NOT GO for whatever reason (i.e. out of gas maybe? Just an example...) SO PLEASE DO NOT continuously honk, yell or "wave" at the person sitting in the vehicle....if they COULD move...I promise you they WOULD! Be kind and respectful..PLEASE!  You NEVER know what the other person is going through!

***TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENTS....It really DOES NOT take TWO sheriff deputies in TWO separate cars to give assistance to TWO females in a MINI VAN.....I TRULY don't need people thinking I have commited a crime that necessitated TWO SEPARATE POLICE CRUISERS! The response to sitting still at a stop light WITH MY FLASHERS on was humiliating ENOUGH! 

Oh and let's not forget the
when I got home and my hubby tells me "oh yeah, we have roadside assistance and they will bring you 8 gallons of gas for free"



  1. OMG! I am laughing my butt off! First of all, I had no idea you had a blog, and second, you are a hilarious writer! And the pics just add to it! I'm so sorry you had to go through that and I really hope tomorrow is better for you! "The sun will come out tomorrow..." - Jessi

  2. Jessi: Thanks so much for your comment!! I am so glad you found my blog!! So far the sun is shining this morning...fingers crossed!
