Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yeah so I am not talking about the highlights in my hair...who can afford those with gas and groceries being so expensive? NOT ME for sure!!!

It has been a CRAZY BUSY but good week this far. Hence the reason I haven't been blogging as usual.

I've spent time with my bestie which was wonderful. Goodness knows I do NOT get enough friend time these days. I am lucky to get any me time let alone time with friends.

My boys have been much better this week....I am sure because they have gotten outside to play and use energy for once! I thought sunshine would NEVER show it's gorgeous face again. It's been great spending time with my boys especially being able to do so outdoors! 4Wheeling at my grandparent's house last weekend was the ultimate! (Thanks TeTe for that!) Pictures to come soon of that!

Wednesday night was church night and the last night of our Love Dare class. My little Andrew told me that while daddy and I were in our class he was going to miss us but we would be in his heart. Now I tell doesn't get much better that!!! That is one of those magical moments I LOVE being a mom more than ever! I am gonna miss our class every week. The group was great and we were learning so much! I am so happy we did the LOVE DARE. It's honestly made a HUGE difference in our marriage! =)

Today...well today I worked my ARSE off! Or as my boys say...My booty booty. =) I got up and fed the boys then I began to clean out our "mud" room where we store all of our junk. It had been ambushed by ants! IT WAS UNREAL! There were thousands. OH HOW NASTY! I became an ant Nazi and was puttin' a hurtin' on those little black pains in the booty booty! I can't stand ants especially in my house! I got rid of junk and got stuff organized and cleaned up. YAY ME!

Mom then took my boys with her to run errands at which time I wanted to shower and relax. I shoulda known it wasn't gonna happen! INSIGHT showed up to fix our phone which has been totally jacked lately. They were here FOREVER! Can we go under the house? Where is your phone? Do you have any other phone jacks? We need to check the lines at the pole. Can we come back in and check the lines again?
OMG they asked more questions then my boys! Finally I told them to check what they needed to check so I could just sit down. GEEZE! By the time they finally was back with the boys. Typical luck I have! top it off they said they fixed the phone but it's still not working. UGH!!!

Next I guess I didn't think I had worked hard enough today so out to the front yard the boys and I went. I proceeded to deweed my flower bed for the next 3 hours...LITERALLY! The boys were actually HUGE helpers. Pulling weeds and digging up roots and loading the trash bins with the weeds and such. I was so embarrassed by the look of my flower beds. They were in terrible shape! Weeds taller than my kids! I'll admit it! But looks fabulous! I had the dirty knees, broken gloves and sore muscles to prove how hard it was. I didn't stop digging and pulling or come up off my knees for 3 solid hours! Now that's dedication! =)

I am suffering for that at this moment while I type this neck and shoulders are aching and throbbing, my hands are sore....I am in total pain. But at least my flower beds look great! YAY ME AGAIN!! I have my calla lillies starting to come up, my clematis has 40+ blooms about to's gonna be great! Makes it worth it....I think. My back and neck and shoulders and hands may beg to differ however.

Tomorrow is Friday..PAYDAY...GROCERY DAY. Another busy day to be had. No Oaks for me. And that's ok. I can think of a million other things I would rather be doing anyways. Not that I will be doing any of those others things either but just sayin'. I know many get super excited about Derby but no one I know has Derby Parties and I don't have money or a sitter to go to Oaks or Derby nor buy an expensive hat and dress and shoes. Derby stuff here. Maybe one day. Don't hold your breath though.

DERBY DAY this year what will we be doing? Well....Joe and I have 13 houses we are going to view in Louisville. We are in the process of buying our VERY FIRST HOME! I can't tell you how exciting, stressful, nerve racking and hard this is! It's such a BIG decision and we are weighing our options of staying in Shelbyville or going to Louisville (closer to Joe's work). That is NOT an easy choice...especially for me. I LOVE Shelbyville. My heart is's's comfort. But Joe misses out on so much time with us because of work and commute time AND if we lived closer he could spend lunch breaks at home with us and have more time in the evenings with us as well. GAS is killing our bank account BIG TIME! We'd save so much money living in Louisville. That is never a bad thing. I hate to move around from my parents too because they are SO MUCH help to me and that wouldn't be so easy for them to do when we are not so close by. Then there is school systems. Do I want my boys in JCPS? Lord knows we can't afford a private school for 3 boys all at once. FAT CHANCE of that! So....we have seen houses here and now will see houses in Louisville and go from there. FINGERS CROSSED!

Happy Oaks and Derby Everyone. Hope you all enjoy it or enjoy whatever it is you will be doing if you aren't a "Derby Person".


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