Joe and I didn't have any big party to go to so we had our own mini party with the boys. We headed to Kroger late this afternoon for junk food and came home and enjoyed the game. I am still in shock how Christina screwed up the words to the National Anthem (insert Rosanna Barr flashbacks).
The boys especially loved the half time show with all the lights and the songs they sadly, partially know the words too after jamming with mommy in the van. It was a great night here at the Hardin household but as with any moment here things can go from great to nut house in 0-60 seconds. After half time the boys disappeared to Caden's room ... I guess they had enough football for the night. Moments later Joe and I went to round them up to get ready for bed and they had thrown raisins all over Caden's room...after chewing them for a few seconds first; gross I know but having 3 boys is rarely glamerous. Welcome to our home! LOL
Needless to say we cleaned up the mess and got the kids all tucked in snug as bugs and finished the end of the game and cheered on our winning Packers. This win was made even sweeter as Tim Masthay, former UK WILDCAT, now has a Super Bowl Championship under his belt! (Go Cats!)

Following the of my favorite shows, GLEE, was back on for it's special seasonal opener. I will admit that I am a true Gleek. I just can't help it. I love music and the story lines of this show have tugged at my heart while making me laugh all at the same time. Tonight's episode was trying to get students who are "jocks" and those who are "nerds" to get along and be equal. The show has dealt with bullying as well. I find it sad how cruel children and teens are today, how violent they can be to those that are different than they are. It's a scary thing especially when you are a parent whose children will be in school one day and you are no longer there to protect them 24 hours a day. This is a fear I think of often. I don't want my child to be teased or tormented or bullied. But how can I ensure it doesn't happen to any of my children? And if it does will they or someone else even tell me so that I can help? The increased suicide rate due to such tormenting is worth being worried about. As an adult I see that "being different" isn't a bad thing at all but children and teens don't see things that way. My boys will be taught (and already are) that it's ok to be different and that if people are different than they are...they should still show them love, kindness and respect. If my child happens to be one that is different, I will love them no matter what and I would hope that if they are being mistreated they will feel close enough and comfortable enough to tell me. I wish more parents would teach their children to treat others the way the Bible teaches us. The world would be a happier and safer place if more people lived their life by the bible. Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Life was so simple when I was a child. We played outside all the time riding bikes and roller skating and playing hide and seek. I didn't know what drugs nor sex were until I was well into high school and even then I was petrified to try either one. I was taught "True Love Waits" and to respect myself and that it was ok to say "NO" without being embarrassed. I am very independent and strong willed so this was easy for me most of the time but like with most teens I had my share of pressures as well. Today girls are pregnant before they are even teenagers. Drugs are rampant. The world can be cruel and mean if you are not "normal". It's such a scary world out there and I pray that my boys will talk to me openly about their lives as they get older. I have always wanted that kind of relationship with my boys. I feel that is important in keeping your children safe. Thus far I have tried to have them lead a life like I did and have tried to keep them as innocent and in the dark of the cruel world as I can. They grow up too fast as it is! The mother in me wants to keep them safely under my wings forever but I know that I can't hold them back from the great things they have to accomplish in their lives. I want them to fly and I will back them 100%! And if someone messes with my boys ...they mess with momma!
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