As if today wasn't bad enough, Joe who gets off work at 5:30 and usually walks in the door around 6:15.....well today, he got off work at 7pm and walked in the door after 7:30. I was about to pull my hair out when he walked in. Fighting the kids, trying to clean up and keep dinner warm, the kids fighting each other..it was neverending tonight!

Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful I am and have gotten to be a stay at home mom but there are moments when I miss my career. I miss adult conversations and interactions. I miss having the money a second income brings. I miss being able to go shop...for myself not for groceries. I miss having money to get my hair done or my nails done or to go tan. I wish I could afford a gym membership. But these are sacrifices I have made to be at home with my boys and I will continue to do so because I love them. I miss having friends who understand what I am going through being a mommy. I don't have many true friends and most of my true friends aren't mommies yet. Worse than anything for me is the stress of being in the house with the boys somedays for days on end. It's depressing...HONESTLY! We get tired of these walls and the boys get tired of each other. All the friends they have are one another. We have no "couples" friends who have children to play with our children. I so wish we did. What a new joy that would bring. All that being said, I know one day my kids will be grown and I'll look back and miss these days...I KNOW I WILL! I think I am normal to miss working and to crave friendships. But I LOVE my kids and even on days like today I wouldn't trade being here with them for the world.

It's now 10pm and we are fighting to try and get the boys to cooperate to get ready for bed. They are very irritable as is mommy. Be so glad to get some peace and quiet tonight. I have a feeling I will be staying up a while even when Joe goes to bed just to have some mommy time. I truly need a time out and need to relax.

PS....Honey if you are reading this....I need to go somewhere like this in the VERY near future!!! Hint Hint

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