Today we had a great day celebrating Caden's birthday despite the snow, cold and wind. We had a fantastic birthday party at Pizza Hut with our close friends and family. Caden was beyond thrilled with his pizza, Monster Truck cake and presents (his firetruck, monster trucks, Hot Wheels train, and light up cars to name a few). We had fun seeing our friends and family, sharing laughs and hugs and stories. I feel blessed for those in our everyday lives. After the party, our friend (and cousin by marriage) Trina, surprised the boys with a trip to the fire house to play on the fire and rescue trucks. This was the coolest thing ever for 3 little boys who are obsessed with fire trucks. To top it off, in the midst of our playing, there was a fire run so the boys got to watch the firefighters put on their gear and leave with lights flashing and sirens blazing. As if that wasn't enough...we were side by side with a train (Caden's other obsession) on the way home and once at the railway crossing the engineers blew the whistle and waved out the window to us. Landon and Andrew told Caden the engineer did that for him for his birthday which totally delighted Caden. I think he felt pretty special after his special birthday celebrations and surprises.
I was thinking today about how scared I was when I found out I was pregnant with Caden. It was a total shock to us as I was on the pill (99% crap!) and our twins were only 6 months old and still very much preemies with many preemie issues. I was so scared about how we would handle another pregnancy and what if this pregnancy was high risk as well, who would take care of the twins if I got put in the hospital for months again or if I was again put on bedrest? How would we afford another baby? How would I handle 3 babies 2 and under? I cried for days and was terrified to tell everyone I was expecting again. However, God blessed us with a full term, normal pregnancy and once I held Caden Anthony (all 8 pounds and 1 ounce of him) in my arms......all those silly worries and fears vanished. I knew that whatever the issues we would work them out and God was on our side to help us. I could've done without all of our babies having colic at once but we managed to survive that as well. Today...I know that our family would have never been complete without Caden and that God gave him to us for a special reason. He is an amazing little boy who looks up to his big brothers and thinks he is just as old as they are...even sometimes I forget he is 15 months younger then the twins.
Caden is ALL BOY and is as rough and tumble as you can get. Nothing phases the boy. That being said...he is also the most loveable and sweet little boy as well. I asked him today "Caden, where did my baby go?". His reply: "I'm right here". I can only hope he and the twins keep that mentality forever...and even if they don' my heart they will always be my babies.
** He loves Monster Jam, Thomas The Train, Hot Wheels and Chuck & Friends oh and of course Buzz, Woody, Jesse and Bullseye
** He loves to wrestle and run and jump and anything that means he gets to be rough.
** He lives to aggravate his brothers and they rarely do anything about it because Caden is bigger than they are.
** Caden sings ALL the time, about everything and nothing, a fact of which I could not be more proud.
** He is still a mommy's boy and lets me tuck him in every night and even asks me to rock him and sing to him like I did when he was a baby. I savor those moments.
** His favorite drinks are apple juice, sweet tea and chocolate milk.
** He'll pick fruit over junk food any day.
** Instead of sayin he remembered or forgot something it's always "I supposed to forgot....." which is too cute.
** He has an amazingly cute kool-aid smile and a Santa twinkle in his eyes!
** He lost his curls....this broke my heart.
** Much to his father's dismay he loves the color pink. What can you say....real men love pink! :-)
** He has a special blanket that he sleeps with everynight and that goes everywhere he goes. It's got holes and is worn raggad but I'll never get rid of it.
** He NEVER wants to wear clothes...just pullups.
** He can give the best bear hugs EVER!!!
** He is notorious for sneaking things out of the fridge and then hiding.
** He is also notorious for making HUGE messes!
** He's my baby and I am honored to be his mommy!!!!
What I wish for you today and every day there after,
I wish for you the joys of life to come,
I wish for you that the life you lead may be praised by God for now and always,
I wish for you the knowledge to face life as it comes,
I wish for you hope and wisdom that I have instilled in you to know the difference between right and wrong,
I wish for you all the dreams and hope that you could ever imagine,
I wish for you love for everlasting life.
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