Today was a so/so day. I woke up sore with a dull headache. Joe and I decided to clean out our shed in the backyard today instead of wasting a pretty day later on. We were able to throw out a bunch of junk. If anyone wants a pretty nice papasan chair it's by the road in my front yard...feel free to come pick it up! We won't mind...really...we won't! We also came across some really cool things that we stored in rubbermaid containers that hadn't been opened in 3 years. The diary I kept from the weekend we spent in Brown County when we got engaged. Photo scrapbooks from various moments in life. Some of those really took me back. Old trophies and medals from sports we played. Keepsakes that belonged to my MeMe that brought both sad and happy tears. The keepsake books the nurses made Landon and Andrew during their 2 month stay in the NICU at Kosair's Children's Hosptial when they were born. PREEMIE clothes the boys wore while in the NICU. These clothes are so small...we are talking a little bigger than Barbie...HONESTLY! They even have to be hand made because doll clothes are too big for preemies. See for yourself! I'll be doing a blog on my experience having premature twins soon.

LANDON Under 3 pounds @ 1 week old.

ANDREW Under 3 pounds @ 1 week old.
Those little wraps/snugglies you see the boys in, we found those today too! Hard to believe my baby boys were so tiny and fragile when they were born. Oh how far they have come...they are fighters....they are survivors...they are my heart!
Afterwards we put the kids down for naps and then my headache began. UGH! I even slept through the 1st have of the UK game. At least I watched the second half and saw us win, even if I did have pillows all around my head to block out as much light as possible! LOL Congrats Coach Cal on your 500th win! Now guys just learn to win on the road and we're set!

This evening my parents stopped by with some meds for my headache. Thanks daddy you rock!!! Landon and Andrew both were in tears after NaNa and PawPaw left...they wanted them to stay here with us and play!

My wonderful hubby loaded us all up in the van tonight and we headed to Middletown at 8:30pm. WHY you wonder.....for this.....

I must say...my baby knows what makes me feel better! It was also great to get out of the house and take and ride and sing along to the radio with my boys. Caden singing USHER. Landon singing BLACK AND YELLOW chorus. LOL Good times!
We got home and put our boys to bed, by now it was nearly 10pm. They were all 3 out like a light. I feel punny but LOVED my caramel latte! Gonna snuggle up with my baby and watch movies. I introduced Joe to Bridget Jones last night...he loved her almost as much as I do. Probably because she is so much like me, or vise versa. I totally relate to her...not great at public speaking, obsessive over her weight and image, granny panties vs. thongs, crazy fun friends, awkward, babbbling, ect ect ect. She even finds her "true love" whom she at first can't tolerate (As I did with Joe) and then realizes she loves him and he loves her "just the way she is". Again...just like Joe and myself. However I will keep it to myself who my "Daniel Cleaver would be....somethings are better left unsaid! Bridget is just amazing and I love her and at times see quite a bit of myself in her which is actually pretty comforting. Power to us "thick" girls! Thanks Bridget for showing how fun, sexy and unique we are! Although I am happy to report I am not a smoker or obsessive wine drinker! LOL Now that I think about it, I think I have these PJ's from the clip I posted. WOW...most days I even look like this by the time Joe gets home and that is WITHOUT WINE! Such is my life! LOVE IT!
I hope all you dear friends and followers of my blog are enjoying your weekend. I am very much looking forward to "date day" with my hubby tomorrow! It's been a long time! We are going out to eat and to visit the cemetary for the first time since Joe's mother passed last year. If the weather is nice we may go hang out at the Water Front. We'll see how the days goes. Nothing like being spontaneous!

Look at how far Andrew & Landon have come. That is amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the Bridget Jones movies too :) Also read the books.
ReplyDeleteI bet it was amazing seeing those tiny clothes. I have an Andrew too but we call him Drew :)