I invited her to attend the LOVE DARE class that my parents were leading at First Baptist church.
She attended every week and it changed her life.
It led her to Jesus.
My dad had asked me several weeks ago for her phone number to follow up with her and check in on her. Although I had given it to him at the time he had yet to call her. Last night, as I sat home with no power, it was unknown to me that my dad was calling my friend. He had felt called to do so all day. God was truly at work. My friend made a profession of faith to my dad on the phone. She will be making this public VERY soon! I am happy for the coming day when she will walk down the aisle at church to make her profession and later be baptized. She will not only be one of my best friends but my sister in Christ! NOTHING BETTER!
I am so happy and feel so blessed that God used my family and myself to lead this wonderful person to Him!

Speaking of my dad...
Yesterday my mom had to pick up some photo archive cds that my dad had made from his camera. I had to share some with you today. I was shocked at how much my boys have grown and changed. Shocked at how life has changed for my family in the last several years. AND shocked that my dad had over 900 pictures on his camera that spanned the last 4 years!
This is what I miss the most of anything I have EVER lost.....

When I saw the pics of my niece and nephews yesterday my heart broke and I couldn't stop the tears. They have grown so much and changed from the way I remember them the last time I saw them. It's so sad how harsh words and twisted stories can destroy lives. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has disagreements but I never saw something like this happening. I miss my brother...my best friend. I miss the friendship I was beginning with my sister in law. I miss my niece and nephews. I miss family gatherings and holidays when we are all together. There is always a void in my heart now that they once filled. It's been so hard. It never gets easier. I wish my boys could understand why they can't see their uncle and aunt and cousins. I wish I could prove to them that they aren't forgotten and are still loved and missed. I wish I could somehow feel that way myself but I can't. It is like grieving a family that has died. You long to see them and talk to them and be around them but you can't. Your mind goes over all the things you did WRONG and all the things you should have done different but now it's too late. You are full or regret and hearbreak. You wish they could see things the way you see them and understand the REAL reason why things happened. That you NEVER meant to hurt them....but now it's too late. Now it will never be the same. I miss them all more and more everyday. I wish God would heal this hurt and bring this family back together. The way it is right now isn't good for any of us. The boys miss playing with their cousins. My parents miss having us all together. I miss all of that too. I miss EVERYTHING. Chatting with my sis in law during the day and laughing along with my brother. I miss seeing all the kids play together and having that bond with my niece and nephews. I didn't even get to bond with my youngest nephew. I have only seen him a few times in his young life. I long for the way things once were. I hate this has happened and that it has continued for nearly a year. Life is so short. Time is so precious. We can't get the last year back. I just wish we could make a better future and learn from the mistakes of the past. To find love and forgiveness amongst hurt and disappointment. I'd give just about anything to have it all right again.

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