Life in the Hardin household has been NOTHING short of chaos the last week or so.
I am happy to report that we are UNDER CONTRACT on our new home and as excited and happy as I am about that, I don't think I will be able to breath until closing is over and we have keys in hand. I NEVER realized how stressful and scary this process is! We just keep praying that it all works out. As our lender said, nothing is ever solid until after closing. That's sad but true. So we are praying and crossing all fingers and toes that all this works out and we get our new home that we already love so much!

I haven't had any time to blog until today and so much has happened just in the last 3 or 4 days I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll do a quick run down of the past week.
Fasten your seatbelts.....
Before I get in to last week....I must share my excitement about my mom's test results. Mom had some abnormal blood work results over 2 weeks ago and the MD was worried about her kidneys. Being that mom is diabetic this was even more scary! Mom went through extensive tests, changes in medications and a strict diet. She was scared and overwhelmed to say the least. Last Friday mom had an MRI done on her kidneys and Monday we received the news that THE RESULTS OF HER KIDNEYS WAS NORMAL! THEY LOOK GREAT AND HEALTHY!!! Our prayers were answered!!! GOD IS SUCH AN AWESOME GOD! I can't tell you how relieved I am that my mom is ok! She is my best friend!! I was trying to stay positive throughout but you can't help feel nervous deep inside! What a GREAT relief and blessing that she is out of the woods!

EVERY day last week I spent 12-14 hours each day cleaning out rooms in our house and boxing up junk for our yardsale. I am not even exaggerating folks. It is insane how much stuff one family can have! Joe and I put ALL the toys in the family room on evening so we could sort through it. Well, all I have to say is that I was embarrassed to no end at how many toys they have! It was totally overwhelming! We probably put 75-80% or more in the yardsale. NOTE TO EVERYONE: NO MORE TOYS OR BOOKS FOR MY BOYS!!!! Sadly, most of the toys they had were rarely ever played with. If it's not a hot wheels or tractor or train....

Friday evening was spent taking van and truck loads to my grandparent's house in Finchville of all of our yard sale stuff. This took several hours AND several trips. Having worked so hard all week and now moving it all....I was just about to my limit.
Saturday I was up at 5am to head to Finchville and set up for the yard sale. Everything had to be set out on tables and clothes hung on lines. When I get to Finchville and start to set things starts to rain. We had just watched the news and no sign of rain until later in the day. Shows what they know! It rained for almost 2 staight hours!!! I was near tears....I had worked insanely hard to get this yardsale going AND we desparately needed the money...any money for that matter. (Buying a home costs a fortune by the way...and gas prices don't help ANYTHING!) FINALLY there was a break in the rain and we had a good lot of people stop by and BUY! BUY! BUY! So was the course of the day. Rain, sale, rain, sale. At the end we did end up making over $100 which wasn't too shabby and was MUCH needed! We closed up shop around 2pm and headed back home. We all had to get bathed and dressed in our Sunday best to go to our nephew's wedding in Lexington. All I really wanted to do was shower, get in comfy PJs and crawl into bed! However, being the amazing aunt-in-law I am, I headed to Lexington instead. Jake is one of my faves and I wasn't gonna miss his BIG day. And let me tell you...this wedding did NOT disappoint! It was gorgeous!!! (OK so the open bar was pretty great too!) It was a gorgeous venue (The Carrick House) and it went perfectly. Even the rain let off till later! Here are some pictures:

Joe and his dad with all but 2 of Joe's sibblings.

It was nearly midnight when we got home but it was so worth it! The wedding was beautiful and fun! Our 3 little boys danced the night away and enjoyed every second! They even learned the Cha Cha Slide! Even Joe's 86 year old Gran got up and did the twist! It was truly classic! I am quite jealous of the happy couple who are currently in St. Lucia! They are a wonderful couple and I wish them nothing but love and happiness!

Sadly, on the way home I received a call from my mom that my dad's beloved hunting dog, Montana, had suffered a stroke. He was only 6 years old. My dad was having a horrible time and spent much of Saturday night making Montana as comfortable as he could. On Sunday morning my dad had to take him to be euthanized because he was getting worse and there was nothing they could do. It has been very hard on all of us but nothing like the pain my dad is feeling. They were the best of buds. It was truly heartbreaking. Montana was a GREAT dog and we all LOVED him. It's a hard loss for the whole family. Aaron went with my dad to the VET to put him down and helped dad bury him in the back yard alongside our beagle Samantha and dad's other bird dog Copper. It's so hard to loose a pet...they truly become like family. Montana was dad's very best friend and huntin' buddy. It's so sad he had to have a stroke at such a young age too. He was the picture of health and strength. We had no idea this was going to happen. Totally unexpected. Even now I can't type about sweet Montana with his precious face without crying. The funny way he would act like a seal and use his nose to throw balls up in the air so he could catch them and chase them. He would get so excited to see us and especially my dad. And boy did Montana love to run and hunt. It just won't be the same without that sweet boy.

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