Then came the discussion of moving to Jefferson County to be closer to Joe's work. Although we had several good reasons to move away...I was scared. Shelbyville is home. Has been my entire life. It has become my boys' home. My family is here. My friends are here. It's my comfort zone. Being out of your comfort zone is never easy. However, I decided we could look at homes there and I could get a feel for it at the least.
That is exactly what we did. Our Derby party Saturday consisted of meeting a Louisville Realtor at 930am at house #1. We finished with house #13 at 330pm. It was a LONG day. Thankfully my mom watched the boys for the day! We saw some GORGEOUS homes. Some not so gorgeous homes. Some homes I liked. Some homes I didn't. Joe found one he especially liked. However, I didn't see either of us with that "WE FOUND THE ONE" glow. I didn't say anything to Joe yet but I wasn't sure any of the homes we found were "IT".
For the moment, I needed to think of something OTHER THAN houses!!! So...we loaded up the boys Saturday evening and headed to Frankfort. We picked up some Happy Meals for them and Qudoba for us and went for a dusk picnic at Juniper Park. Being Derby and being that it was after 7pm, we had the park to ourselves. The boys ran and played and laughed and squealed. Joe and I played with them and just enjoyed the moment. As we were preparing to head home at 8ish, the boys discovered a large hill. The rolling began! It was a hoot watching these 3 boys roll down the grassy hill just like I did as a kid. I was taken back to the feeling of being a child, so carefree...SO WORRY FREE! I was happy my boys were having such a childhood. So many children do not. The euphoria over took me so when my boys were done rolling down the hill and proceeded to play in the sand of the 2 joined volleyball courts I couldn't resist. I threw off my shoes and socks. Pulled my sweats up to my knees and ran into the sand. Chasing the boys and swinging them around. All of us laughing and totally carefree. It was a wonderful moment! I felt so HAPPY. Not that I am never happy but this was a different happy. A Content Happy! It was wonderful!!! We didn't leave until after 9pm!
Yesterday was Mother's Day and I was awaken by Joe and Landon who had gone to SIXTH AND MAIN and gotten me a caramel latte. It was so sweet! Andrew and Caden were still sawing logs! LOL
We spent the day here at home. Joe and I stressing somewhat over the houses we looked at in Louisville and discussions over schools and such. A little later I got a phone call from mom who was giving me all the reasons why we needed to stay in Shelbyville and when I shared this with Joe he began telling me all the reasons we needed to go to Louisville. Neither mom nor Joe were trying to upset me but that is what happened. I just wanted to scream. I felt like a rag doll being pulled in 2 different directions. I went outside to read and got a phone call from my parent's neighbor who is a good friend of our family. She proceeded to tell me she had found us the PERFECT house. I admit I was skeptical. I was a little over houses at the moment. I couldn't decide if I wanted to see the house. I told Joe about it and could tell he was on the fence too. I felt so overwhelmed. I actually went and sat in the bathroom just to get peace and try and clear my head. It felt like Joe and my mom were each sitting on one of my shoulders telling me why I needed to live in Shelbyville or Louisville. Finally I emerged from the bathroom and decided it wouldn't hurt to go see the house. So off we went.....
I am not sure what I was really expecting. I know I wasn't excited on the drive there. I just felt, well, blah. Indifferent even. We pulled up to the house and that suddenly changed. I sat up a little straighter in the seat and thought...NICE! For a brief moment I thought "looks can be deceiving". We had seen several houses that on the outside looked great then once inside the front door that was not the case.
The house we were now standing in front of was gorgeous. A great front porch with a SWING! Something I had wanted for as long as I could remember. The neighborhood is one of the best around...hands down! We met the owner who was there to greet us. Then we proceeded into the front door.

This house was AMAZING! We spoke with the owner who was telling us all about it. She had totally renovated the ENTIRE house! It was stunning! It was what I had always wanted and dreamed about. The owner had bought the house at the beginning of a nasty divorce and rehauled it. It was her project...her baby. The thing that kept her mind busy and helped to heal her heart. As excited I was about the house my heart went out to her (the owner). She wasn't as excited. She is selling her baby. She is relocating for her fiance' and job.
Joe and I went through the house one more time and I could tell we were both sold. I got chills and even tears in my eyes going through the house this time. I could see our boys growing up here in this house. I could see us having family get togethers and celebrating holidays. I could see Joe and I growing old together here. Sitting grey haired on that front porch swing. THIS HOUSE FELT LIKE HOME! It wrapped me up in a warm embrace from the moment I entered the front door. THIS WAS IT!
We headed back outside and explained our situation with owner and told her how much we could afford and she was willing to drop the price to meet that for us and to throw in the appliances AND riding lawn mower. We were shocked!
So.....this week we finish financing and next weekend when the owner is back in town we meet to do a contract. I am full of nerves today. Nervous and excited! This is so HUGE for us and for our family. I just want the peace of mind to know that it's all gonna work out and that really will be our home. My hopes are high even though I know that is dangerous. Been there and done that! I am praying this time is different. That this becomes the new beginning we have been longing for.
It's been a long road for us. We both made bad decisions in our late teens and 20s and MAJORLY screwed up our credit. At the time having no idea who horribly that would affect our future. We moved 6 times in 8 years! We have been forced to rent. Until now! Joe going to Iraq gave us the ability to rid ourselves of ALL the debt. It has allowed us this opportunity to have our dream home. SO many times I wanted to give up and in some ways I did. But Joe....that wonderful man of mine...never gave up. He never stopped trying. He ALWAYS saw the light at the end of the tunnel even when I no longer could. I owe so much of this to him. He is proof that if you NEVER STOP BELIEVING and you NEVER GIVE can make your dreams come true. It's proof that God does things on his own time and not yours. It's proof there can be happily ever after. I am praying this is ours..........

Gorgeous home - seems like it has a great deal of character. I am so excited for y'all:)!
ReplyDeletePraying all works out!! God LOVES us!!!