Yesterday was a horrible, terrible, no good, VERY BAD day!!! From the moment I awoke to the moment I went to bed...it was just........BAD! My boys were destructive and mean and hyper and just plain out of control. I spent most of the day in tears. Nothing I tried to do to calm them and make things better worked. Taking them out in public was a HORRIBLE decision last night, even with Joe there it didn't help. It was melt down after melt down! I was defeated and exhausted.

This morning, my mom once again saved the day! My grandfather is getting radiation treatments and this week was my mom's week to drive him. She volunteered this morning to take the twins with her and my grandparents to Louisville with them and lunch afterwards. This left me to have some quality time with Caden. I was quick to go for this idea! I was a little worried about telling the boys. I knew the twins would be more than ready to go with NaNa. They love mommy but are sure NaNa's boys unless it's bedtime!
I was worried Caden would feel left out and not want to be left hanging out with mommy. Boy was I wrong! The second I told him he was going to stay with me his little freckled face just lite up! He said "MOMMY I GET TO STAY WITH YOU? BY MYSELF?!?" He was so happy! I was ecstatic! My mom came and picked up the twins and they were off. Caden and I got ready and we were also on our way.
I can not express how much fun and how relaxing it was to be out and about with just ONE child. I've NEVER experienced that before really. My first "baby" was twins and then 15 months later Caden came along. No wonder my friends who have only one child find it so easy to do so much! It's cake walk after doing everything with 3! LOL I wouldn't trade my boys for ANYTHING but it sure was nice to just be out with one child! I need to do that more often with each of them. It's really fun and you learn so much about the child when you are one on one. Their personality just shines through!
Caden, who is usually my "WILD CHILD", who I swear acts ADHD at age 3, was good as gold today. He was calm, loving, used his manners and did not get loud or throw a single fit the entire day! He was just amazing! In stores I let him walk, which is rare, and if he went to bother something and I told him to leave it alone he was like "Ok Mommy. I sorry." and instantly stopped! I nearly fainted right there on the spot! I don't think that has EVER happened before! Usually the boys have total melt downs EVERY TIME we go out in public and they want to grab everything and destroy it.

The entire drive to Louisville, on back roads per Caden's suggestion, we talked and laughed and sang. He made the comment that it was "Mommy & Caden day". We shopped and just enjoyed each other. We gave lovins and held hands and jumped in rain puddles. Caden got to pick lunch and it was Pizza Hut. He is so his mommy! He LOVED the bread sticks and marinara dip! We had the entire Pizza Hut to ourselves. It was fun and oh so relaxing. I had 5 hours with just Caden and it was wonderful! I'll never forget it! I realized today after seeing how well he behaved that maybe he has been acting out so badly just to get extra attention from me. I seem to have found a new insight on Caden. He is my "baby" and he so often gets treated as a big boy like his brothers. Not just by me but so many others. He is their size and is just as smart as they are. He has had to grow up fast having 2 older brothers. Today I realized he still wants to be my baby and needs maybe a little more affection and attention from me that what he was getting. He's still 3, just turned it actually whereas his older brothers are pushing upon 5 years old. The hyperness and acting out is starting to make more sense now. It warms my heart that he still "wants" to be my baby for I know one day that will cease and my heart will break.
This day was a wonderful memory made. I had forgotten my digital camera which I usually take EVERYWHERE. I just happen to be a little camera happy. SO.....I just bought a cheap disposable camera and it served it's purpose. Although I sure am glad for digital cameras there days...they are much better quality pictures! LOL

And you all know I couldn't go to Louisville and not partake in this!

My White Chocolate Mocha was DELISH!
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