Then everything changed.
I sat down in my comy new couch in my family room while my kids were still sleeping and Joe was loading the dishwasher before work. I flipped up the laptop and signed onto fb and gmail as I turned on the t.v.
What I saw and heard changed everything of how I was seeing my life this morning.
I was seeing pictures of devastation in Japan due to a massive 8.9 earthquake followed by a massive 30+ foot tsunami. I sat in stunned silence. Here I had been moments ago lying in bed complaining in my own mind about how crappy my life had been this week, how much my boys had gotten on my nerves, how badly I was not wanting to clean my house; all the while across the world, people were dealing with 2 massive natural disasters back-to-back. Loosing everything they owned. Everyone they loved. Maybe even passishing themselves. They were loosing their parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, cars, homes, belongings. The impact of what the poor souls of Japan endured today is hard to even comprehend. My heart broke for each and every one of them. As I sat with tears in my eyes, all I could do was pray for them. Pray to God to help them in every way they will need Him. Only God has the power for that after such severe devastation.

After seeing these images and the video footage....all my gripes from this morning seemed so petty. So trivial. They were quickly forgotten actually. All I wanted to do was hug my boys and my husband and to be thankful we were not dealing with something like those in Japan. It never seems like you can do enough from here to help countries that have suffered such as Japan. For so many years now there have been natural disasters, wars, starving families and children, poverty. There is so much suffering in our world. I don't understand any of it. All I know is that it shows that Satan in fact does exist. I just wish people in our world did not have to suffer no much. It totally breaks my heart to see all the devastation, poverty, war and other sufferings in our world today. I wish God could and would just make it all stop. Let the world be a happy, peaceful, happy place. Things seem to be going from bad to worse anymore. I worry for the future of our world. I worry so much.

I decided to skip my 5 favorites today. With all going on it just didn't seem appropriate. I hope you all have a blessed weekend. Please continue to pray for those in Japan and others all over our world who are suffering as well. God Bless.

Beautifully said and so true. I hope you also have a wonderful and blessed weekend. Hug those boys and that husband tight :)
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely terrifying to think about the men, women and children in Japan facing this tragedy. Thanks for the perspective. You said it so well.