September 10 is quickly approaching! I am stressed to the max with all I have to get done before that date! THANKFULLY Joe has a long weekend coming up and we can both dig in. Between doing my normal day to day chores (cleaning, taking care of kids, laundry, cooking meals, ect), now I have to pack and prepare to move. It's tiring to say the least. Oh and not to forget my niece and nephew are here every day too. It's totally a a good way....I think. LOL
In the midst of all this chaos I call my life....I found time to blog today and the only thing I could think about was moving....imagine that! Nice to know I haven't lost my humor......YET! After all, I am a PRO at moving. Joe and I have had to move SEVEN (yes you saw that correctly-7 times) between 2003 and 2008). We finally got to sick around when we moved here 3 years ago. Another move notch in our bed post in 10 days.....literally!
1. No matter how many boxes you have, you will never have enough.
2. The more your friends promise to help, the more likely it is they will be deathly ill or out of town the weekend you are moving.
3. Whatever it is that you need, it is ALWAYS in the bottom of a box that has already been taped shut.
4. Now that you are moving and no longer need it, you will always find something you have been looking for for years.
5. The tape, the scissors, the markers and the screwdriver all know how to play hide'n'seek.
6. The thing that gets broken will always be an irreplaceable antique heirloom - never something cheap that you didn't like anyway.
7. Regardless of how long the drought has been going on, it will always rain on moving day OR no matter how cool it has been it will always be insanely hot on moving day.
8. You will always loose your checkbook, your car keys, the remote control and/or the telephone.
9. If you stay up all night packing to be ready for your movers, they will be late.
10. No matter how large the new place is, it will shrink before you move in.
Here's to all the leases that start/end in September, thus plunging so many into a giant game of musical chairs every year.
Here's to all the mattresses I've left behind, due to lack of planning, space, and/or common sense. I hope you've all found a good home.
Here's to the moving vans and that day every year when people who normally drive small cars are suddenly given the keys to giant vehicular behemoths. You know, on second thought, you can cut me off. I'll just hang back here a few car lengths.
Here's to security deposits loved and lost.

Here's to my friend's couch, which, if I remember correctly could only fit into his second floor townhouse if he removed the windowpane in the living room and lifted the couch through that window using an elaborate makeshift pulley system. I'm sorry I was busy that day.
Here's to dad. Glad you kept driving a truck. You never know when I might need it.
Here's to my brother. Glad dad gave you the old truck. We are sure gonna need it. Oh and thanks for helping us move coming up on 8 times. Kinda makes me feel bad for all the hell I gave you as a kid.
Here's to mom. Really, that place I lived in when I was in my 20's wasn't all that bad, so long as it didn't rain.
Here's to those awkward meetings between potential roommates that happen all over. As I recall, these feel sort of like being on a blind date, but without the potential of finding true love. The other day, in a coffee shop, one of these conversations was taking place at a table next to me, and I couldn't help but eavesdrop. "WOW, you're laid back too. That's great!" (We learned all about that didn't we Joe? Thanks for the lesson Preston Roomies!!)
Here's to new homes found on the very last day, preventing you from having to move back in with your parents. (CHEERS JOE!)
Here's to college students. It may not seem that we really like you, but you do wondrous things for the economy, and for that we're grateful. Sometimes.
Here's to storage pods. You really haven't had the proper perspective on your life until you've seen all your possessions piled high in an 8" by 8" by 8" cell.
Here's to humidity. In my experience, it can't be moving day without humidity. Or, in some cases, rain. Luckily, the weather this year is supposed to be pleasant. This meteorological oddity can only be explained by the fact mother nature has yet to learn we are moving in 10 days.
Here's to third-story walk-ups causing mattresses and other random furniture to be passed through windows. Sorry about my language that time.
Here's to stuff, and my ridiculous accumulation of it. A special shout-out also goes to all those garbage men and women forced to deal with the stuff that didn't quite make the cut.
Here's to the couch scavengers, happily combing the streets of all our towns and cities the night after moving day. I'm told there's nothing quite like the thrill of finding a free couch. Enjoy! Oh and don't let the bedbugs bite.
Here's to pizza and beer, the universal currency of Moving Day.
And, finally, here's to the fact that on this moving day we know it's not the last. The fun will begin once year.
LOL. I know how true this is. We moved 5 times and 3 states since we married in '05. We haven't definitely decided to move again yet but might try to buy after taxes come back this year. Hope your move is a good one. Tell Joe and the kids hi for us.