1. WE ARE MOVING! To help my brother not loose his house and to help us save money to buy a house next year, we are moving into my brother's house! We are SUPER excited! Should be one heck of an adventure!
2. UNDERWEAR POOL PARTIES! Yesterday Bubby got out the baby pool and filled'er up on a whim. All the kids were super stoked that they got to play in the pool in just undies! I heart all these babies!!!
3. FIRST STEPS! I was lucky enough to see this precious baby take his first steps! After missing out on so much, this was so special to me!!! WAY TO GO ELIJAH THOMAS!!!
4. IT'S A GIRL!!! One of my dearest friends is having a girl!!!! Details to come.....
5. MINI FAMILY TRIP! This weekend we are loading up and heading off on a mini vacation. It will be Joe, myself, our boys, my brother and his 3 kids, and my parents! I am SO excited and can't wait to spend time with my family!!! It is such a blessing that our family is once again complete!

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